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with Louisa Marie Sullivan 

Here you will find all my live events. 

Please see below for where I will be and when.


What is A Demonstration of Mediumship 

When a Medium has reached a certain level of ability in their mediumship they may wish to demonstrate this publicly to a live audience.


It can take years of development before a medium is ready to do this. There is much that goes into a demonstration of Mediumship. It is not just about being able to communicate with the Spiritual World, it is important that the medium is able to present the information to the living in a loving and compassionate manner.


Being a voice for the Spirit is not an easy task. It takes years of development and practice to reach a point where the medium can deliver a public demonstration. 


People may come to a ‘demonstration of mediumship’  for a variety of reasons. Perhaps their loved one has passed over to the Spirit World and they simply want to know that they are ok. 


It is the job of the medium to prove continued life and this is achieved through delivering evidential information from the Spirit Communicator. 


Mediumship is giving the Spirit a voice by channelling messages from the Spirit to the living in a way that can be understood and known to be true. 


At times the medium will get it wrong and this can be the challenge of ‘Mental Mediumship’ where it is down to the perception of the medium. They might be shown images in their mind and misinterpret the information being given. However, this rarely happens with a well attuned and developed medium.


During a mediumship demonstration the recipient may receive communication from several loved ones in the Spirit World.  It is aways a good idea to keep on ‘open mind’ to who might come to through. If the recipient is only wanting to hear from one particular person in Spirit and

rejects other communicators this can ‘block’ the connection and the communication may not flow.


We must remember that the medium is working with energy and energy is a sensitive thing. Therefore the energy must be right between the Spirit, the Medium and the Living for it to work well. When it does not flow at times it will not work at all.


During a demonstration not all people present will receive a communication from their loved ones, it is only usually a select few.


Each communication will be about 10 minutes in duration, and the medium will not divulge very personal details from the platform. If there is sensitive information which needs to be delivered to the recipient the Medium may ask that they speak together after the demonstration has finished


A demonstration of mediumship is a beautiful event which leaves you feeling wonderfully uplifted, empowered and reassured that your loved ones do indeed continue on in the Spiritual World.

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