The purpose of healing is to restore balance of mind, body & spirit.
Spiritual Healing is an holistic approach, that is to say we look at the person as a whole
About my healing work
When I first embarked upon my spiritual path I began as a healer
My first experience was working beside a famous Spiritual Surgeon for many years
and I gained much knowledge and wisdom regarding the healing modality during this time.
This is where I began to develop a strong connection to the spirit and to administer healing as a channel for the Spirit
I have been healing now for over 30 years
When I connect with a patient I am also working with my spirit team who are guiding and helping all the time
I work with hands on healing and at times may also implement the aid of sound & colour healing depending on the needs of my patient
I am a qualified Aromatherapist and I will use herbs and oils when needed to aid the healing process
I am very aware that when a patient is in dis-comfort or dis-ease it is the Spirit which requires healing at a deeper level as in Shamanic Healing
and that I leave to my Spirit team who work through me as their channel
I have complete trust in them and we have worked together for many years
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly
A little about
Spiritual healing goes far back in the history of man.
In this scientific age healing is becoming more popular than it has for a very long time.
There seems to be a resurgence of healing, this may be due to many factors and one of them being the loss of faith in conventional medicine and the unpleasant side effects of many prescribed drugs.
The origin of healing can be found in the tribal structure of palaeolithic man which is goes back some 2.6 million years.
However, some believe that healing is has been present since the beginning of time.
The old woman of the tribe was its priest, her job was to connect with the spirits and to provide healing for the sick. Much later followed the introduction of herbal remedies.
It is thought that spiritual healing and medicine emerge from this time
The purpose of Spiritual Healing
The purpose of healing is to restore balance of mind, body & spirit. It is an holistic approach, that is to say we look at the person as a whole
It is said that healing comes from the Divine Source and is also a natural energy in nature
If we understand that the Divine Source is in everything then we know that it too is in nature.
It is important that the healer keeps an open mind and adopts a flexible approach to this concept, realising that we all have our own beliefs and each and everyone has the right to their own way of thinking.
What is important is that the healing is effective and that people of any belief system can benefit from it
Spiritual healing can be used to assist the physical body during dis-ease and to return the emotional body back to equilibrium after emotional disturbances
What to expect from a healing session
It is important to note that each healing session will be tailored for each individual and what works for one may not work for another person.
My sessions can be held in Glastonbury or received distantly.
I work with the healing energy of the spirit world as they always know what needs to be done and what is best to bring harmony to the person receiving the healing.
I often perform an energy clearing prior to healing as well as I have found that it works very well alongside the spiritual healing.
In this way we need to be aware that all results are also different and some people will achieve amazing results while and some milder results will be achieved
This is the phenomenon of healing, I do monitor each patient very closely and carefully so progress is carefully noted and discussed at each appointment.
At times I will require the co-operation of my patients to do their part too.
Someone once told me that if a patient is suffering from arthritis and they continue to live in damp conditions and do not remedy this the progress with healing may not be as successful as it could be if the dampness was dealt with.
Therefore, when healing is approached holistically with the co-operation of the healer and the patient then great results can be achieved
To find out more or book an appointment please contact me or you can book your session below.
Once you have booked your session/sessions below I will be in touch by email to arrange an appointment for you.