The Autumn Equinox otherwise known as Mabon is traditionally celebrated on 21-22 September.
During an Equinox night and day are equal in length. From the time of the Autumn Equinox days begin to get shorter as the nights draw in. For me this is such a beautiful time of year as we begin to slow down and look forward to cosy nights beside the fire and fresh walks in nature.
Mother Earth offers her abundance of berries and nuts and the final harvest is underway. Traditionally in the old days the focus would be on the land and gathering in the harvest of wheat, barley, oats and rye to prepare for the Winter months.
At this time we reflect on the past year. We acknowledge our achievements and what has occurred during that time. It is a time to make plans for Winter as we prepare our garden and ourselves for the long Winter months ahead as the wheel of the year turns towards Samhain and Yule.
To celebrate the Autumn Equinox dress your altar with colours of blue and orange. Put consecrated water in your chalice and say prayers to bring balance into your life. We now let go of striving and enjoy the fruits of the past year. Set a meal of corn with nuts, seeds and berries served with wine, mead or ale.
It is also beneficial to light a fire in celebration of the past year. We look at all our lessons learned which helped us to grow and give thanks for what you endured which helped you to move forward in your life in some way. No matter how small it was still acknowledge that event with gratitude in your heart.
Above all have a magical Autumn Equinox and celebrate it in your own special way which feels right for you.
Many blessings