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Welcome to Day 1 
Mindfulness & Focussed Attention 

Please Watch This Video
  • Day 1 - Things to do on this 1 day challenge


  • Become aware of your thoughts and emotions. If you begin to feel bad ask yourself what have I been thinking? Each thought we have creates an emotion within us. Good thoughts create good feelings, negative thoughts create negative feelings.


  • Do the ‘Cloud Meditation’ as often as you need to. If you wish to take a 1 minute break throughout your day, do so. You will be amazing how refreshing it is to give yourself the permission to take a pause in your thinking. 


  • Do some exercises to focus the mind. You can look at at a candle flame, try some chanting with mala beads. The Buddhist chant ‘Nam-yoho-renge kyo or try some Krishna chants, whatever appeals to you.


  • Try to stay in the present moment as much as you can. Become aware of when your mind is in the past and future and bring it back to the present moment. Make this a habit.


  • Please read the information below on how to become master of your thoughts. 

Mindfulness -becoming master of your thoughts


You may have heard the term ‘Our thoughts create our life’. There is really nothing truer than this.


During this part of the challenge we look at ways you can master your mind and control your thoughts, therefore creating the right chemistry in your body and living a more content, healthy and happy life.


If you are on a Spiritual Journey learning how to master the mind and become more focused will greatly enhance all your psychic and spiritual gifts.


Focussed Attention


When you meditate you will need to focus your attention first to settle yourself into the spiritual vibe for meditation and settling you down from your day to day activities. As you get in touch with your own feelings, and are able to work out problems far more easily than when you are in a relaxed state of mind.


Focussed attention enables you to see things more clearly and to bring your higher self into a better state of awareness. It will help you to go much  deeper into the meditative state the more aware you become.


Meditation helps to train the mind to be as still as possible which gives you  power over incessant thinking and strengthens focussed attention, which is the precursor to all spiritual practices.


By creating awareness of your thoughts and how they affect you, you will receive an increased spiritual awareness and feel much calmer and more peaceful in your day to day life.


Regular meditation and practice of focussing your attention builds the development of your psychic abilities and strengthens your connection to intuition and to your higher self. It also helps you with connection to the Spirit, and is an essential part of your practice especially if you are a medium.


Focused attention will help you in your very own and unique way. It will help to connect you more to your spiritual centre so that you can activate your focus at will as and when you require it.


When you learn how to work with silence and how to sit in the power of the divine you can learn to listen and access guidance and wisdom in a way which will bring you into harmony and therefore be much more in tune with your psychic and spiritual gifts.


Focused attention will also assist you in the very important ability of  ‘thought awareness’ and how to stay in the present moment. This is so very beautiful and blissful when that state can be achieved and maintained in your day to day life.




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