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Welcome to Day 4 

Please watch this Video 

Day 4- Things to do today -



  1. Become aware of your clairvoyant and clairsentient faculties by working with and item such as a piece of jewellery belonging to a living person or someone who has passed to spirit. Journal the information you receive.

  2. Get someone to put an item into an envelope and hold the envelop in your hands and psychometrise it - journal about what you get.

  3. Work with a photo or someone living or passed to spirit and journal what comes up for you.

  4. Please read the information below.

Psychometry - A Psychic Gift


Psychometry is a psychic gift and not a spiritual one. A psychic gift comes from ones own extrasensory perception using the psychic abilities. Most people can be trained as a psychometrist because we are all born psychic.


To work with psychometry we can use either an item or a photograph. If we are working with an item we would hold it in our hands and feel the vibration of it. By doing this we are feeling into the vibration of the person who owns the item and we can begin to feel details about that person such as their character, how old they are etc. As we hold the item we are blending with the energy of it, it is like a story unfolding. We allow the story to unfold naturally as we go back in time allowing the energy to build and we may even begin to see events from the persons life so far.


Please note that we do not go into giving future predictions using Psychometry because it will only provide us with information about the past up to the present moment.


When you are holding the item do not allow your mind to come into it, get into the energy of the item as quickly as you can, keep your focussed attention on the energy and what you are receiving and keep your concentration on what you are doing. IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO ALLOW THE MIND TO WANDER!


Receive the details and the facts and allow it to build.


We can also work with a photograph and psychometrise that by using the power of clairvoyance and our other psychic senses to bring details about the persons character, life etc.


With psychometry we can learn to raise our vibrations and lift up our energy to connect with the spirit and we can look at a photo or feel an item of a person who has passed on to bring forth details of their life. This brings it into the arena of becoming a spiritual gift because we are under the influence of the spirit. We can tune into to an item of the person in spirit and increase our connection through the aspect of mediumship communication to bring more detail about that person and to strengthen the connection to them. In just the same way we can also do this with a photograph of someone in the spirit world to increase that connection.



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