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Welcome To Your Course!  
How to develop Mediumship - The foundations 

Step 1 

In the first step we look at  four different steps within this section. 

We are going to look at: 


1. Your intention - why are you doing this. What is your reason behind  your desire or curiosity 

2. Your Inner Work- we  look at what might come up for you during your journey of Mediumship. 

3. Development of the psychic gifts - Download PDF 

4. Meditation - Download PDF 


Please watch the video below and make notes in your journal as you go. 






Step 2 

We are going to delve into Sitting for Spirit and how to achieve a focussed mind 


1.  The importance of focused attention

  1. Have no expectation 

  2. How to sit for spirit and hand yourself over 

  3. How to achieve a focussed mind 


Please watch the video below and make notes

Step 3 

We look into how to become the best channel for spirit and we do this by having an understanding of the following: 


  1. How to raise vibrational frequency 

  2. The breath 

  3. Exercise 

  4. Food - fuel fo your physical body 

  5. Positive thought 


Please watch the video below and make notes in your journal 



I hope you have enjoyed this Mini Course ! 

At the end of February I will be launching the full complete course
'The Foundations of Psychic & Spiritual Unfoldment'

In this course we dive much deeper into the aspects of your spiritual unfoldment !

To find out More please click below  
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